Newsletter—December, 2023

In this issue
- Empowering Widows’ Livelihood with Renewable Energy.
- Join us for GEMS: Initiatives from the Global South Webinar Series
- Save the Dates for Upcoming Webinars
- We are launching a new Book Club: Exploring India through the Lens of Novelists
- Fall Festival ‘Friend’raiser: A Big Success!
- We are grateful to all our Fall Festival Helpers and Silent Auction Donors
- A Special Thanks to Our Website Volunteers
Empowering Widows’ Livelihood with Renewable Energy.
by A. Kulandai, Director of Kalangarai
Through training programs and financial assistance Kalangarai is helping widows become successful entrepreneurs and change-makers in their community while empowering themselves financially. In 2023, Kalangarai entered into an agreement with SELCO Solar Light Pvt. Ltd. to supply solar-powered systems like printers, sewing machines, refrigerators, sugar cane juicers, rope-making machines, and chili grinding machines to our widows. SELCO gives a 70% subsidy to each system which includes batteries, solar panels, printers or sewing machines or refrigerators. Only 30% of the cost is to be borne by the beneficiary.
Solar energy is “clean energy,” that is, it is renewable, does not emit greenhouse gases, and comes from resources that nature will replace. Solar energy is the most abundant of all energy resources and can even be harnessed in cloudy weather. It is the fastest growing and most affordable source of new electricity in the world. As the cost of solar energy systems dropped significantly, more people have taken advantage of clean energy.
Eighteen widows received these solar-powered systems and are participating in a self-employment program which enables them to lead a dignified life.

Mrs Valli, a Petty Shop Entrepreneur
Mrs. Valli is a single mother of four adult children: two daughters and two sons. She owns and runs a small petty shop in a small village. In her shop she sells snacks, soft drinks, other packaged beverages, dairy products etc., She is not able to store these items in bulk and needs to go to the main market frequently to purchase them. With the financial support of Kalangarai in 2023, she bought a solar-powered fridge. She can now store soft drinks, vegetables, milk products like milk, curd, water, cheese and butter and rice and wheat flour in her fridge at her shop. Her income has doubled since purchasing the solar-powered fridge.

A Success Story of Ms. Arul Catherin from Nagapattinam
Arul Catherin is a 29-year-old young widow who lives in a Dalit hamlet in Nagapattinam district. She married at an early age; her husband died from a cardiac arrest. After his death, she joined a Kalangarai self-help group. In 2023, she bought a solar-powered photocopy machine with the financial help of Kalangarai. Her photocopy shop is located adjacent to her house and near a high school and the panchayat (village council) office. Her electricity bill has drastically been reduced since solar panels were installed. She is the only business owner who has a photocopy machine in her village and has been able to get steady income from her photocopying business. Her small business provides a sustainable livelihood for her and her daughter.
Join us for GEMS: Initiatives from the Global South Webinar Series
During Fall, 2023, Friends of Kalangarai launched a lecture series of six webinars focusing on Gender, Equity, Mobilization, and Sustainability (GEMS). This free series, co-sponsored by Adelphi University, features experts leading innovative programs to address poverty, women’s rights, environmental injustice, and socio-economic developing in South Asia. Recordings of the first three webinars can be found on our website.
These webinars focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #5 to “achieve gender equality and empower all women.” Despite our efforts to educate and economically empower marginalized women in the Global South, there is still extensive work to be done. According to United Nations reports, gender inequities are deep-rooted in every society. Women suffer from the lack of access to sustainable work and gender wage gaps. Many are denied access to basic education and health care and are victims of violence and discrimination. Furthermore, they are under-represented in political and economic decision-making processes (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs,). As we move forward with implementing our programs to address gender equity, we will need to think about how we can integrate gender equity and empowerment with the dimensions of sustainability. They are all very inter-related and it is hoped that these webinars will help us to further understand the complex interactions among these dimensions and how policy and social activism can build synergies between them.
The webinar series examines initiatives making progress in empowering and mobilizing women and girls to reach the SDG goals. Each webinar allows time for discussion between speaker and audience. Join us for the remaining three lectures. The Webinars are free, but you must register to receive the Zoom link.
Save the Dates for Upcoming Webinars
January 18, 2024
Time: 10:30 am (EST)
Location: Zoom
Making Land Ownership a Reality: Reflections from the Journey of the Working Group for Women and Land
Ownership (WGWLO)
Speaker: Ms. Shilpa Vasavada
February 15, 2024
Time: 10:30 (EST)
Location: Zoom
A Holistic Approach for empowering women in War-affected Areas in Sri Lanka
Speaker: Ms. Shamila Sivakumaran
March 21, 2024
Time 10:30 am (EST)
Location: Zoom
“AWAKE”ning Entrepreneurship in Women: Women Empowerment and Sustainable Livelihood by AWAKE in Karnataka state, India
Speaker: Dr. Rajeswari
We are launching a new Book Club: Exploring India through the Lens of Novelists
Interested in traveling to India but don’t want to leave your cozy armchair? Friends of Kalangarai is launching a book discussion group that focuses on Indian novelists. Authors include Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Thrity Umbigar, Abraham Verghese, Sujuta Massey among others.
The book club will be hybrid—in person and on Zoom—and meet every two months on the second Friday of the month at 5:30-6:30 (EST). The dates for 2024 are: February 9, April 12, June 14, August 9, October 11.
For more information and registration, check our website under “Events” or email Karen at
Fall Festival ‘Friend’raiser: A Big Success!
Despite the inclement weather, more than 50 people gathered under a warm, cozy tent to taste a variety of craft beer and enjoy a delicious spread of October Fest fare and Halloween treats. These festivities were accompanied by a terrific Irish Band playing in the background. There was a robust silent auction including catered Cajun meals, Champagne dessert parties, end of summer sail and an apartment in a spectacular part of Italy. We had lovely pashmina scarves and shawls for sale. In total, it was a great success with lots of joy to be had and yielded more than $15,000 to support the widows!

We are grateful to all our Fall Festival Helpers and Silent Auction Donors
- Taylor Dorsey
- Dan Underwood
- Tessa O’Rourke
- Cameron Hoffpauir
- Dave Kayser
- Marcia Hathaway
- Pamela Lowell
- Winston Langley
- Barbara Honthumb
- Rick Clare
- Amy Goolkasian
- Ellen Venis
- Jane O’Rourke
- Kitt Shaffer
- Tim Titcomb
Business Donors
- Buzzards Bay Brewery
- Farm and Coast Market
- Sail Loft Restaurant Duchess of Dirt
A Special Thanks to Our Website Volunteers
With the help of David Groskind (Website Builder) and Sarah Sandford (Graphic Designer), we accomplished a complete makeover of our website. Utilizing best practices in website design, the website is easy to navigate and to update with current content and events. The new logo beautifully symbolizes the mission of Kalangarai.
Our Board Members
Karen Kayser (Chair)
Dartmouth, MA
Chrisann Newransky (Treasurer)
Garden City, NY
Jane O’Rourke (Clerk)
Lincoln, MA
Barbara Honthumb
Dartmouth, MA
Praveen Kumar
Waltham, MA
Winston Langley
Arlington, MA
Gokul Mandayam
Providence, RI
Volunteer Wish List – We Need Your Talents
As Friends of Kalangarai expands its programs, our need for volunteers increases. There are a variety of opportunities to contribute. If interested, please contact Karen at 617-678-1044 or email
Adminstrative Volunteers: volunteer coordinator, data analyst, communications strategist, events coordinator, website support.
Board Service Volunteers: fundraising/donor relations, financial management/accounting, grant writing.
Program Volunteers: event planning, tech support for website and virtual events, advertising, organizing silent auctions & sales.