About the Board of Directors
Friends of Kalangarai is a 501(c)(3) is a non-profit organization in the U.S. that supports the community-based programs of Kalangarai. These programs include micro-credit self-help groups, skills training, children’s educational programs, and a community college. Our primary activities are fund-raising, education, and research.
Friends of Kalangarai is a corporation, managed and directed by a board of directors which exercises all the powers of the corporation. In accordance with our bylaws, the directors shall have all of the powers and duties of directors of a corporation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The directors serve the organization and our constituents by ensuring that adequate resources and leadership are available to accomplish our mission. Board members meet on a quarterly basis. Additional meetings may be scheduled, in person or via phone or internet, if needed.
Members generally serve on one committee that convenes as needed between board meetings. These committees typically meet via phone and email. Committees may be created as needed.
Board members are elected for a three-year term. We expect each board member to support Friends of Kalangarai by attending several events during the year (if local), sharing their expertise, connecting us to helpful resources, and promoting the organization through networking or publicity.
Friends of Kalangarai directors serve on a volunteer basis, and are not compensated. We are seeking professionals with expertise in the following areas: microcredit, entrepreneurism, non-profit management, accounting, marketing, and fundraising. Individuals with a strong interest in global women’s issues and social justice are especially welcome. Please contact us with your interest.